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A counselor desires to show that for men who are married by the time they are 30, ? = average age when the men are married isn't 21 years old. A random sample of 10 men who were married by age 30 showed an average age at marriage of 22.2, with the sample standard deviation of 1.9 years. Suppose that the age at which this population of men gets married for the first time is usually distributed. Describe the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses?

A) Ho: ? = 21 and Ha: ? < 21

B) Ho: ? = 21 and Ha: ? >21

C) Ho: ? = 21 and Ha: ? ? 21

D) Ho: ? ? 21 and Ha: ? = 21

E) Ho: x-bar = 21 and Ha: x-bar < 21

F) Ho: x-bar = 21 and Ha: x-bar > 21

G) Ho: x-bar = 21 and Ha: x-bar ? 21

H) Ho: x-bar ? 21 and Ha: x-bar = 21

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91121432

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