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1. Martha owes Verizon $2,500 in past due cell phone charges. Verizon may do which of the following to collect the balance due

a. Call Martha at 7am to make sure they catch her before work and ask her to pay her debt

b. Search her Facebook page to find her friends and reach out to them and ask them to help collect the debt by encouraging Martha to call Verizon and make a payment

c. Call Martha at home and nterrupt Martha’s dinner at 7:30pm and ask for a payment

d. Pose as an attorney and threaten to sue Martha if she doesn’t pay

2. Frank sells Bob a car. Frank knows that Bob has a lot of kids and that one of the biggest features is Satellite radio because he can entertain his kids easily and always have music playing. Frank knows that there is a fee for Satellite radio but tells Bob that the car is fully equipped with that feature and never suggests that it isn’t part of the car. Bob is beyond excited that he can finally have peace when he is driving and says great, so long as the car has satellite radio included we have a deal. A few days later Bob discovers it will cost him $40/month for satellite radio so he sues Frank for fraudulent misrepresentation. Can Bob win?

a. Yes, because Frank knowingly made a false statement about a material fact that Bob relied on to his damage

b. No, because Frank didn’t know Bob would use the radio right away.

c. No, it was Bob’s responsibility to call the radio company before he bought the car to find out how much it would cost

d. No, but he could sue him for libel

3. Kay, a person with a disability, is an employee of Midstate Transport Company. When the firm’s elevator is taken out of service, Kay cannot get to her office. Midstate discharges Kay, who then sues the firm on the ground of disability-based discrimination. To prevail under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Kay must show that

a. it would be “significantly expensive” to put the elevator back in service

b. Kay can compete effectively against others with disabilities

c. Midstate refused to make a reasonable accommodation for Kay

d. All of the above

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92392668

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