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1. If you get a loan that corresponds to the largest annual loan payment the lender will allow you to make based on the DSCR (computed in part 4), what will be your net income in the first year?

2. The seller’s asking price for the property is $7,000,000. If the lender has a maximum 70% LTV requirement what is the most the bank will lend you? (Only based on the LTV requirement.)

3. The loan must satisfy both the minimum DSCR of 1.2 and maximum LTV of 70%.

What is the biggest loan the borrower can get?

4. If you buy the property at the asking price of $7,000,000 using the biggest loan you can get (from question 8), what will your down payment be?

5. What is the annual mortgage payment on the loan in question 8?

6. If you buy the property at the asking price of $7,000,000, what will your ‘going in’ Cap Rate be?

7. If the annual irr for this property is 8.5%, then based on the cap rate in question 11, what does this imply is expected NOI growth rate for this property?

8. You do research and find that similar properties are selling at a 6% cap rate. Using a 6% cap rate, what price would you offer for this property?

9. Suppose you buy the property at the asking price of $7,000,000 and own it for exactly 1 year.

You make the down-payment in part.

You collect the NOI in part.

You make the annual mortgage payment in part.

In two years, the NOI is expected to be the same.

You sell the property at the end of year 1, at a cap rate of 50 basis points below the cap rate in part (11) and you pay off the loan balance when you sell.

Compute the IRR on this investment.

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92742724

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