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1. Cassidy's gross income for the year included salary, $11,400; commission, $17,720; and interest, $540. Her adjustments to income were payments to a retirement plan, $1,000 and 2 exemptions at $4,000 each. Find her taxable income.

a. $29,120

b. $9,000

c. $20,660

d. $24,120

2. Sandy just received her first pay check. Her gross pay was $399.15. She has the following deductions: Social Security tax 6.2%, Medicare tax 1.45%, federal withholding tax $76.56, and state withholding $24.75. What is her take home pay for the week?

a. $131.85

b. $297.84

c. $300.00

d. $267.31

3. Glen worked 40 hours last week at $23.49 per hour. How much did he pay in Social Security taxes for the week? Use the tax rate on page 317 in your textbook.

a. $1.46

b. $939.60

c. $45.00

d. $58.26

4. Jim worked 80 hours over the last two weeks earning $18.48 per hour. How much did he pay in Medicare taxes for the two weeks? Use the tax rate on page 317 in your textbook.

a. $91.67

b. $48.05

c. $21.44

d. $39.95

5. Which of the following statements is false for a person wanting to use and file a Form 1040EZ tax return?

a. Taxable income is less than $100,000.

b. No more than 2 dependents, in addition to the taxpayer plus spouse.

c. Taxable interest is not over $1,500.

d. Filing status is either single or married filing jointly only.

6. Sue's employer withheld $72.50 from her weekly paycheck for federal income taxes. She calculated that the total federal income tax that she owes for the year is $4,219. How much more does she owe?

a. $449.00

b. $3770.00

c. $870.00

d. $72.50

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92379784

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