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1. Calculate the amount a person would need to deposit today with a 5 percent intrest rate to have $2000 in 3 years.

2.You are offered $5000 now or $8000 five years from now. If you could earn 8 percent intrest on the $5000, which is the better choice?

3.You want to have $3000 available to take a european trip after you graduate four years from now. How much(one lump sum) would you have to invest now if you could earn 7 percent intrest to ensure you have necessary $3000 at the end of four years?

4.Using the Rule of 72, calculate how quickly $1000 will double to $2000 at intrest rate of

a. 2 percent

b. 4 percent

c. 6 percent

d. 8 percent

e. 10 percent.

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92384128

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