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1. A psychologist develops a new inventory to measure depression. The population of "normal" individuals has mean score on this test of µ = 55 with σ = 12. To determine whether the test is sensitive to detecting those individuals that are severely depressed, a random sample of patients who are described as depressed by a therapist is selected and given the test. Presumably, the higher the score on the inventory, the more depressed the patient is. The data are as follows: 59, 60, 60, 67, 65, 90, 89, 73, 74, 81, 71, 71, 83, 83, 88, 83, 84, 86, 85, 78, 79

Use Hypothesis testing to determine if the new inventory differentiates between the patients who are described as depressed? Use an α = .05

a. Step 1: State Hypothesis

b. Step 2: Set Criteria

c. Step 3: Compute Sample Statistic

i. Use excel to compute the test statistic (Hint: use the DDXL add-in)

d. Step 4: Make a decision

i. Did you reject the null/fail to reject the null

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91115047

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