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1-A man owns a 2,000-acre tract of undeveloped woodland surrounding a scenic lake. He has divided the tract into 106 individual lots, ranging in size from 15 acres to 100 acres. He has also hired telemarketers to sell the lots to residents of the state and the three states with which it shares a common border. Based on these facts, how does the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act apply to the project?

a. The man must file a disclosure statement with HUD.

b. Because the man's project is not fraudulent, it is exempt from the requirements of the law.

c. This development project is exempt from the law because of the lot size exemption.

d. The man's project is exempt from the law because it is not being marketed outside a contiguous multistate region.

2. 12-Zoning ordinances affect all of these EXCEPT

a. lot sizes.

b. building heights.

c. style and appearance of buildings.

d. racial composition of neighborhood.

3. 13-A developer has included a playground and running trails between the commercial properties facing a busy street and the houses further back in the subdivision. The recreational area is considered

a. aesthetic zoning.

b. a buffer zone.

c. a taking.

d. a nonconforming use.

4. 14-When an area was rezoned as residential, a store was grandfathered in and allowed to continue business. This is an example of

a. a variance.

b. nonconforming use.

c. a conditional-use permit.

d. an amendment.

5. 15-A new structure has been completed to the satisfaction of the inspecting city engineer. What documentation must be issued before anyone can move in?

a. Appraisal report

b. Certificate of occupancy

c. Certificate of reasonable value

d. Conditional-use permit

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92751531

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