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problem: Suppose the interest rate for a one-period bond is 4%.

a) What is the price of an asset paying (1,1,1) which means 1 after 1 period, 1 after 2 periods, and 1 after 3 periods.

b) What is the price of an asset paying (1.5,0,1.5)?

c) What is the price of an asset paying (0,0,3)?

d) What is the price of an asset paying (0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,3)?

problem: Suppose the interest rate for a one-period bond is 4% between the current period and the next. Then the rate becomes 5% for ever.

a) What is the price of an asset paying (1,1,1) which means 1 after 1 period, 1 after 2 periods, and 1 after 3 periods.

b) What is the price of an asset paying (1.5,0,1.5)?

c) What is the price of an asset paying (0,0,3)?

d) What is the price of an asset paying (0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,3)?

problem: Suppose that the one-period rate is 4%. describe why a two-period rate of 6% cannot be an equilibrium when individuals expect the one-period rate to remain constant.

problem: Suppose that the one-period rate is 4% and that the two-period rate is 6%. What sort of expectation for the one-period rate next period makes this situation an equilibrium?

problem: Consider an asset paying 1 next period and 2 in two periods. Suppose that the one-period rate is 4% and that it will remain constant. Show that a price of 2.5 is not an equilibrium price for this asset.

problem: Suppose that the annual rate of interest is 4%.

(a) What is the monthly rate?

(b) Consider a 3-year lease on a car that is worth $20,000 today. The first payment on the lease is next month. After 3 years the price of the car is estimated at $15,000. What is the monthly rent?

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M9307

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