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Rob and Nate enjoy playing disc golf, and are always interested in getting some new discs. Rob's annual demand for discs is:

Q = 8 - .5P Nate's annual demand for discs is:
Q = 16 - P

a. Graph these two demand curves (on two separate graphs next to each other, each with P on the y-axis).

b. If Rob and Nate are the only people who purchase discs, graph the aggregate demand for discs and prepare down the equation for this aggregate demand function.

c. How many discs will be sold (total) if the price is $6? How much total consumer surplus do these consumers get at this price?

d. What is the market price elasticity of demand for discs at the price of $12? Is demand at that point elastic or inelastic? What is the elasticity at a price of $ 4? Is demand at that point elastic or inelastic?

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M948954

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