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The graph on the left shows the short-run marginal cost curve for a typical firm selling in a perfectly competitive industry. The graph on the right shows current industry demand and supply.

a. What is the marginal revenue that this perfectly competitive firm will earn on its 60th unit of output? 
b. What level of output should this firm produce in order to maximize profit or minimize losses? (This isn’t two problems; the same level of output would do either.) 
c. Given your answer to problem (b) above, assume that ATC at that level of output is $10. What are the firm’s profits? 
d. Now assume that the firm produces 100 units of output and at that level of output ATC = $11. How many firms in total will there be in this market? 
e. Finally, assume the firm produces 100 units of output and at that level of output its ATC are $13 but its AVC are $11. What should the firm do and why?

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M998398

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