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The following assignment is due the last day of class or at the final exam, in hard copy format only. You may complete the assignment in groups of 2-4, if desired. Indicate your name and group members on a separate cover sheet. You will be graded on accuracy related to the factual question and communication style, clarity and grammar. Your communication should be typed, using white paper, properly titled, double-spaced, with 12-point Times Roman font, and 1 inch margins. Use paragraph breaks as needed for clarity. You do not need to repeat the facts in your communication---only the answer with supporting explanation is required.
Lacy Corporation was incorporated in 1983 by Dave Jones, who has served as an officer and member of the board of directors. Mary Smith has served as secretary-treasurer of the company as a convenience to friend Dave. Mary acted as part-time bookkeeper but did not run the everyday business affairs and paid only the bills she was instructed to pay. Mary was an authorized signatory for the corporate bank accounts but had no final control over the expenditures.
Beginning in the last quarter of 2011, the company failed to pay all of the taxes withheld from employees and the employer’s share of FICA taxes to the IRS. Despite this delinquency, the corporation continued to pay other creditors including its employees, in preference to the IRS.
In January 2012, Lacy Corporation entered into an installment agreement with the IRS to keep current on its withholding taxes and to make payments on the past due balance until paid in full. The company subsequently defaulted on the agreement in April 2012. During this period, Dave Jones was serving as chief financial officer and was a member of the board of directors. He had the authority to make policy decisions. He was responsible for negotiating the installment agreement with the IRS and the decision to default on the agreement.
Who is liable for the penalty for nonpayment of the payroll tax withholdings?
Explain your answer in detail 1-2 pages, with research support provided by the following authority. A link is provided for IRC section 6672 and the Carlson case file is provided as a link on D2L.
IRC Sec. 6672
Ernest W. Carlson v. U.S. 91-1 U.S.T.C. ¶ 50,262

Taxation, Accounting

  • Category:- Taxation
  • Reference No.:- M9571690

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