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Evan James Dawson divorced in 2004 and has a son, Noah, who lived with him all year.

a) Evan gives all of the cost of keeping up the home.

b) Noah provided less than 50 percent of his own support.

c) Evan did not itemize deductions preceding year.

In the year 2012, Noah was a third-year student at Brown College. Noah lived at home with Evan while attending classes, and is pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Evan spent $634 on course-related books and paid tuition as reported on Form 1098-T. Noah’s total tuition was $11,800, however he received a $9,000 scholarship and subsidized loans in the amount of $2,800. Noah doesn’t have a felony drug conviction.

Evan desires to know if he has sufficient deductions to itemize (he did not itemized in the preceding year). Suppose that Evan will deduct state income tax rather than general sales tax. He gives you receipts, statements and cancelled checks for the given items he would like to deduct:

1) Unreimbursed doctor bills for Evan for $300

2) Unreimbursed doctor bills for Noah for $500

3) Unreimbursed prescription drugs for $1,400

4) Unreimbursed nonprescription herbal supplements for $300

5) Cancelled check for a donation to the United Way for $100

6) Evan states you that he as well gave $20 to a homeless man

7) The statement from his church showing donations of $780

8) The receipt from a Goodwill drop-off center for the donation of a table, refrigerator and stove; they were in good, used condition and had a thrift shop value of $130

9) Form 1098 exhibiting qualified mortgage insurance premiums, interest and real estate taxes paid.

10) Evan bought a $2 lottery ticket every week, for a total of $104, however he had no winnings.

11) Evan never received any distributions from his 401(k) or any other retirement plan.

Taxation, Accounting

  • Category:- Taxation
  • Reference No.:- M971

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