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Question: Position statements (two position statements are required: the first is due monday, march 19th, and the second is due monday, april 16th)

Your position statements are to be no more than a three to four page detailed outline on the topics you select. I suggest going to the writing center for some help and guidance in putting together your position statements.

In your position statement outlines you need to include: (1) your topic, (2) your position on the topic, (3) economic arguments against your position, (4) economic arguments supporting your position, (5) a brief concluding paragraph, and (6) at least three appropriate citations not including the textbooks including 2 to 3 sentences explaining why you believe each of your citations (minimum of 3 of your citations) to be credible. Steps (3) and (4) must be done in outline form using complete sentences.

You are to submit a paper copy of your position statements on the dates they are due (be sure to save an electronic copy). Points will be deducted if the position statements are handed in late.

Your grade in part will be a function of the economic arguments you present both against and for your position and your economic reasoning in support of your position. For more detail, check the rubric which is on blackboard. Your tone should be that of an economic policy maker (e.g., the chair of the council of economic advisors, or the president of a branch of the federal reserve system), or an expert economic consultant witness testifying for a client. The point is that you should not get involved in emotional arguments that are not based on economic reasoning.

Important: • Use multiple reliable sources other than the textbook.

• This is an economics issues class. Use economics to support your points.

• Use real data (properly cited) to support your argument.

• Be sure to support at least three of your cited publications.

Possible topics that you may select for your position statements are listed in another document on blackboard.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- SomePossibleStatementTopics.rar

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92787079
  • Price:- $40

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