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Question 1

Ruby Engineering Pty Ltd [Ruby] was incorporated in 1990 and produced engine components used in the Australian car industry. In 2016 the business and company assets were sold to Diamond Ltd. Under the terms of the agreement, Ruby remained liable for any claims arising before 2016. The company used the funds to invest in real estate and shares.

During the year ended 30 June 2018 Ruby incurred the following expenses:

Required 2:

Advise the directors of Ruby Pty Ltd of the tax deductibility of the above amounts. You must make reference to appropriate authorities and legislation.

a. Ruby has owned and rented a residential property since 2008. Rental income for the current year is $35,000. During the year the company replaced the old kitchen fittings, including cupboards that had deteriorated through water damage and wear and tear. The new cupboards were of the same type as the old ones and the kitchen layout was not altered substantially. The cost was $8,500.

b. In another of the rental properties a visitor to the tenants slipped on the steps and sustained injuries requiring medical attention. She claims one of the steps was loose and commenced legal proceedings against the partnership alleging her injuries were caused by the poor condition of the building. Ruby incurred legal expenses to date of $7,000 and the action has not been settled at 30 June.

c. In March 2015 the company owned sold a batch of parts that were subsequently found to be defective. The purchaser, an Australian car manufacturer lodged a claim for damages in the Federal Court. The claim was settled in November 2017 and the company paid an amount of $750,000 to the car manufacturer.

Required 2.
Advise the partners and directors of Ruby Pty Ltd of the tax deductibility of the above amounts. You must make reference to appropriate authorities and legislation.

Question 2

Betty is an investor and antique collector. Betty is not carrying on a business and she provided the following information of sales of various assets during the 2018 tax year.

a. Painting. Betty acquired a painting by a well-known Australian artist on 2 May 1985 for $2,000. The painting had significantly risen in value due to the death of the artist. She sold the painting for $125,000 at an art auction on 3 April 2018.
b Shares. Betty has the following share investments:

(i) 1,000 Common Bank Ltd shares acquired in 1 December 2016 for $15 per share and sold on 4 June 2018 for $20 per share. She incurred $550 in brokerage fees on the sale and $750 in stamp duty costs on purchase.

(ii) 2,500 shares in PHB Iron Ore Ltd. These shares were also acquired in 15 January 2001 for $12 per share and sold on 14 February 2018 for $25 per share. She incurred $1,000 in brokerage fees on the sale and $1,500 in stamp duty costs on purchase.

(iii) 1,200 shares in Young Kids Learning Ltd. These shares were acquired in 2005 for $5 per share and sold on 14 February 2018 for $0.50 per share. She incurred $100 in brokerage fees on the sale and $500 in stamp duty costs on purchase.

c Violin. Betty also has an interest in collecting musical instruments. She plays the violin very well and has several violins in her collection, all of which she plays on a regular basis. On 1 May 2018, she sold one of these violins for $12,000 to neighbour who is in the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. The violin cost her $5,500 when she acquired it on 1 June 1999.

Betty also has a total of $8,500 in capital losses carried forward from the previous tax year, $1,500 of which are attributable to a loss on the sale of a piece of sculpture which she sold in April of the previous year.

Based on these information, determine Betty's net capital gain or net capital loss for the year ended 30 June 2018.

Taxation, Accounting

  • Category:- Taxation
  • Reference No.:- M93123724
  • Price:- $45

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