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Discussion 1: Production Economics and Decisions"

Please respond to the following: 1-2 PARAGRAPHS

• From the scenario for Katrina's Candies, determine the relevant costs for the expansion decision, and distinguish between the short run and the long run costs. Recommend the key decision-making criteria that Katrina's Candies should use for expansion decisions in the short run and in the long run. Determine under what conditions, a company should or should not continue to produce the good or service.

Discussion 2: Market Structures and Cost Management"

Please respond to the following: 1-2 PARAGRAPHS

• From the scenario for Katrina's Candies, determine the appropriate type of market structure for the situation in question. Cite at least four defining characteristics that have helped you reach this decision regarding the appropriateness of the chosen structure.

• Imagine that you are a manager of a chemical company. An accident has occurred in which chemicals leaked into the ground water nearby. The community is unaware of the accident. Compare the primary costs involved in cleaning up the water immediately (and thus confessing) versus hiding your culpability now and possibly paying more in the future. Predict the impact on profitability in both situations.

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92386644
  • Price:- $30

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