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Give a specific example (i.e. name the industry or company and/or government involved) of a recent positive Externality in the news, and explain why it is positive.

Who are the bystanders to the positive externality? Your answer Give a specific example (i.e. name the industry or company and/or government involved) of a recent negative Externality in the news, and explain why it is negative.

Who are the bystanders of the negative externality?

Why are patent laws in place? Who do they benefit and why?

What is a a recent example in the news of a Command-and-control governmental policy?

A chemical plant and a paper mill release polluted water into a local river as a by-product of their manufacturing process.

Describe 3 ways that the local government might respond to this externality. What are the pros and cons?

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92383619
  • Price:- $25

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