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Select someone in a leadership position at your organization or at a local company where you might seek employment. This individual could be a director, manager, supervisor, or CEO of the organization.

Create a presentation with 7 to 10 slides addressing the following.

• Develop a profile of this individual that can be submitted to a company's newsletter.

• Identify the individual, their position within the company, and briefly describe the organization.

• Interpret the individual's leadership based on the Five-Factor personality model and offer one or more examples of the management and leadership roles of this individual.

• Explain one incident where this individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation because things did not go as planned. What lessons did she/he learn from being able to problem-solve even when what she/he had been taught did not work.

Format: Presentation must flow in the order of the information listed above.

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92366325
  • Price:- $30

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