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Assignment: Progistics-Solutions Inc. - The Critical Parts Network

1. Give two reasons why you think the performance of the Toronto depot is better than the performance of the Scarborough depot?

2. Improvements

a. Describe three initiatives that can be done at the Critical Parts Network to improve inventory turns without having a negative impact on customer service levels.

b. Describe what the benefit would be of each initiative.

c. Explain what role would Xerox have to play in each initiative.


Initiative Description


Xerox' Role













3. What are the costs and benefits of reducing the cut-off point for filling from the technician's trunks? For calculation purposes, assume inventory carrying costs are 25% the value of the inventory.

4. If you were in the position of Gary Parkinson, what are the top threerecommendations would you make to Jim Eckler and why?











Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92360479

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