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Assignment - The Effect of Customer Service Experience on Subsequent Purchase Decisions

One of our core topics this term will be to examine how management decisions affect sales volume and, therefore, company profits.

Two years ago, I purchased a laptop computer that was obsolete on shipment and dead on arrival. Because the model was discontinued, it could not be replaced with a new unit and the manufacturer did not have the part to repair the computer for about two weeks. The new available model at the time was not an acceptable replacement, so I attempted to work with the manufacturer to repair the defective laptop.

After contacting the office of the CEO, the company assigned its senior case management team to resolve the problem. This group has shipped incorrect parts and repeatedly broken commitments for return calls. Altogether, I spent 5-6 hours on hold and discussing the issue with this "team" over a 2 ½ day period and the matter was still not resolved. Though the issue was finally resolved within a couple of weeks, this experience will affect my future decisions when purchasing or specifying computers for home or business use.

For this assignment, you should think of an especially bad or especially good customer experience you have had, describe the experience and explain how it has or will affect your subsequent decisions when purchasing similar products or services. The experience does not have to have anything to do with computers.

You should write the essay as if you are writing an e-mail to respond to a request from your manager for your opinion on a related purchase decision.

Additional Guidance:

- There is no "correct" answer for this question. Just communicate your experience in a professional, businesslike manner. Remember that economy of words is valued in business.

- This assignment will be graded primarily for written communication skills. You do not have to research this topic, but if you do use any third-party sources, you must cite them appropriately or you will receive zero points for the assignment.

Cost Accounting, Accounting

  • Category:- Cost Accounting
  • Reference No.:- M93114929
  • Price:- $12

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