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You are going to create a switch loop with different options.

Option 1: Ask users to input Person Name, Ticket Type and Fine. You will keep asking users until they press q key. Once user types Q, you will store all the details into the .txt file or any other file

Option 2: Use the file that is generated from Option 1 and perform sorting by person name. You also need to prompt users if option 1 is not complete. You will then create another file with sorted person name.

Option 3: Display file

You will read entire file from option 1 and display it on the screen. I would like to see everything as comma separated. You also need to use exception handling here.

Option 4:

Ask users to enter a search keyword. You will then search the keyword in the file (option 1) and display success or failure message

Option 5: Use the array concept and read the person name from the file. Just view the entire array on the output screen.

Option 6: Replace function. Ask users to replace ticket type and generate a new file with new ticket type.

Please keep rest of the information same as it is.

Option 7: Delete all the files from hard drive

- Create a PPT and describe each option with output screen

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92393735
  • Price:- $35

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