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You are an assistant to a senator who chairs an ad hoc committee on reforming taxes on telecommunication services. Based on your research AT&T spends $15 million on related paper work and compliance costs. Depending on the locale, telecom taxes can amount to as such as 25 percent of a consumers phone bill. These high tax rates on telecom services have become quite controversial, due to the fact that deregulation of the telecom industry led to a highly competitive market. Your best estimates indicate that, based on the current tax rates, the monthly market demand for telecom services is given by Qd = 250 5P and the market supply, including taxes is Qs = 4P 110 (both in millions), where P is monthly price of telecom services. The senator is considering tax reform that would dramatically cut tax rates, leading to a supply function under the new tax policy Qs = 4.171P 110. How much money would a typical consumer save each month as a result of the proposed legislation

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M91707562

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