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Wilkins Inc. has two types of handbags: standard and custom. The controller has decided to use a plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor costs. The president has heard of activity-based costing and wants to see how the results would differ if this system were used. Two activity cost pools were developed: machining and machine setup. Presented below is information related to the company's operations.

Direct labor costs
Machine hours
Setup hours

Total estimated overhead costs are $270,000. Overhead cost allocated to the machining activity cost pool is $170,000, and $100,000 is allocated to the machine setup activity cost pool.


(a) Compute the overhead rate using the traditional (plantwide) approach.

(b)  Compute the overhead rates using the activity-based costing approach.

(c) Determine the difference in allocation between the two approaches.

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948693

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