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Consider the following information, prepared based on a capacity of 60,000 units:

Category Cost per Unit
Variable manufacturing costs $12.00
Fixed manufacturing costs $3.50
Variable marketing costs $4.00
Fixed marketing costs $2.50

Capacity cannot be added and the firm currently sells the product for $25 per unit.

Consider each of these scenarios independent of each other.

a) The company is currently producing 60,000 units per month. A potential customer has contacted the firm and offered to purchase 10,000 units this month only. The customer is willing to pay $23 per unit. Since the potential customer approached the firm, there will be no variable marketing costs incurred. Should the company accept the special order? Why or why not? Be specific.

b) The company is currently producing 45,000 units per month. A potential customer has contacted the firm and offered to purchase 10,000 units this month only. Since the potential customer approached the firm, there will be no variable marketing costs incurred. What is the minimum amount that the firm should be willing to accept for this order?

c) The company is considering selling 1,000 units that are in danger of becoming obsolete. What is the minimum price it would be willing to take for the 1,000 units?

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948641

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