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Sweet Products produces mint syrup used by gum and candy companies. Recently, the company has had excess capacity due to a foreign supplier entering its market. Sweet Products is currently bidding on a potential order from Red Sugar Candy for 5,000 cases of syrup. The estimated cost of each case is $27.50, as follows: direct material, $10; direct labor, $5; and manufacturing overhead, $12.50. The overhead rate of $2.50 per direct labor dollar is based on estimated annual overhead of $1,500,000 and estimated direct labor of $600,000, composed of $400,000 of variable costs and $1,100,000 of fixed costs. The largest fixed cost relates to depreciation of plant and equipment. With respect to overhead, how much is the variable cost of producing a case of syrup?

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948865

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