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Suppose demand and supply are given by Qd = 60 - P and Qs = 1.0P - 10.

a. What are the equilibrium quantity and price in this market?

  • Equilibrium quantity:
  • Equilibrium price: $

b. Determine the quantity demanded, the quantity supplied, and the magnitude of the surplus if a price floor of $50 is imposed in this market.

  • Quantity demanded:
  • Quantity supplied:
  • Surplus:

c. Determine the quantity demanded, the quantity supplied, and the magnitude of the shortage if a price ceiling of $30 is imposed in the market. Also, determine the full economic price paid by consumers.

  • Quantity demanded:
  • Quantity supplied:
  • Shortage:
  • Full economic price: $

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92393231
  • Price:- $15

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