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The following selected events were experienced by either Fact Finders Inc., a corporation, or Peter Flip, the major stockholder.

The transactions:

a. Received $8,500 cash from customers on account.

b. Flip used personal funds to purchase a flat screen tv for his home.

c. Sold land and received cash of $71,000(the land was carried on the company's books at $71,000).

d. Borrowed $56,000 from the bank.

e. Made cash purchase of land for a building site, $93,000.

f. Received $22,000 cash and issued stock to a stockholder.

g. Paid $68,000 cash on accounts payable.

h. Purchased equipment and signed a $104,000 promissory note in payment.

i. Purchased merchandise inventory on account for $16,500.

j. The business paid Flip a cash dividend of $7,000.

State whether each event(transaction) (1) increased (2) decreased or (3) had no effect on the total assets of the business. Identify any specific asset affected.

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948998

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