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Question 1: Tenisa is working on her accounting skills again and wants to finish the cash flow statement for the yearend 2018 before the accountant does.

In 2018, Comfy Home paid for all purchases of long-term fixed assets with cash. The company did not take out any new loans, but paid off part of an existing loan with cash.

Please use the information below to complete the cash flow statement for Tenisa using the indirect method.

(see attached file below for the financial statements for questions 2-5 of this assignment)

Question 2: Randolf wants to invest in a new roof for the store and the warehouse owned by Comfy Homes.

The estimates for the job indicate that the cost will be $85,000. If Randolf completed the work on December 31, 2018 (and there was not yet any depreciation to record), please show how the work would change Comfy Homes' statements for the year-end 2018?

Assume that Randolf paid by taking out a new loan for $85,000 from the bank. Payment on the loan are not due for 18 months. Please reflect this transaction in your answer as well as the transaction involving the capital investment in the roof.

Answer this question by copying the relevant financial statements from Q1 and pasting them into the space below; then make the changes as needed and highlight them.

Be sure to include the cash flow statement that you completed for Q1.

Question 3: If Randolf paid for the roof job in cash rather than on credit, what would be the impact at year's end? (choose all that apply)

a. Decrease in net cash from financing activities of $85,000

b. Increase in net cash from investing activities of $85,000

c. No change in net cash

d. Decrease in net cash from operating activities of $17,850 ($85,000 x tax rate of 21%)

e. Decrease in cash by $85,000

Question 4: Assume Tenisa and Randolf want to take a $60,000 cash disbursement from Comfy Home's owners' equity before the end of 2018. They have plans to buy a home at the seaside.

a. What would be the impact of this transaction at year-end 2018 for Comfy Home? (choose all that apply)

i. a $60,000 decrease in net cash from operating activities

ii a $120,000 decrease in net cash

iii. a $60,000 decrease in net cash from investing activities

iv. a $60,000 decrease in net cash from financing activities

v. a $210,000 decrease in net cash from financing activities

b. If Comfy Home wished to increase its 2018 cash flow from operating activities following the cash disbursement to Tenisa and Randolf for their home, which of the following approaches would be effective? (choose all that apply)

i. Increase Comfy Home accounts payables by delaying payments to creditors until 2019.

ii. Take out an additional $30,000 in bank loans.

iii. Make arrangements with the IRS to defer some of the 2018 taxes payable to 2020.

iv. Sell a non-operating asset and realize a gain on the sale.

v. Increase Comfy Home accounts receivable by giving clients additional time to pay their debt

vi. Decrease prepaids by delaying payment of next year's insurance premium

vii Increase gift card sales

viii. Sell property or buildings (long-term assets) at book value

Question 5: Please consider Comfy Home's business lifecycle and answer the following:

a. Based only on the Cash Flow Profile of Comfy Home, which of the following stages of the business lifecycle do you think Comfy Home is in?

i. Startup / Fast Growing

ii. Profitable / Growing

iii. Mature / Steady State

iv. In Decline

b. Assume you are the owner of Comfy Home. Based on the stage of the business lifecycle Comfy Home is in and its statement of cash flows, describe, in detail, what your top 2-3 concerns would be with regards to the company's cash flow.

Please explain your concerns and provide possible actions the Company could take to alleviate those concerns.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- 2457231_ComfyHomeChapter5questions.rar

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M92743723

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