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Q. Calculate the gross margin percentage?

Calculate the gross margin percentage by using the following formula

Grossmargin percentage = Grossmargin/Net sales

To show the use of this ratio considers the following information from the 2000 Annual Report of Abercrombie & Fitch.

($ millions)                              2000                                        1999                            1998

Revenues                                 $ 1,238.6                            $ 1,030.9                          $ 805.2

Gross profit                             509.4                                       450.4                          331.4

Gross profit (margin)

Percentage   $509.5/$1,238.6 = 41.13%   $450.4/$1,030.9=43.69%      $331.4/$805.2= 1.16%

Abercrombie's gross margin held at a relatively high 41-43 percent over those three years. You must now understand the distinction between accounting for a service company and a merchandising company. The next section persist the discussion of merchandise inventory carried by merchandising companies.

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M9568564

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