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Part 1:

Consider the following scenario:

Your daughter complains of a sore throat for the last two days and has a temperature of 102F. The day care center will not allow you to bring her in due to the fever and the concern over strep. Your co-pay for an office visit to the pediatrician is $20.00. You call to make an appointment and cannot be scheduled for at least a week. The pediatrician's partner can see her tomorrow or you could take her to the emergency department of the local hospital, but the co-pay is $100.00.

What do you do? How will you balance your daughter's health care needs with the cost for treatment, and the cost of missing work until she has recovered?

Part 2:

Explain why there is an oversupply of two of the following specialties.

  • Orthopedic surgeons.
  • Cardiologists.
  • Radiologists.
  • Anesthesiologists.

Explain why there an undersupply of one of the following three specialties.

  • Primary care physicians.
  • Nurses.
  • Pharmacists.

To get credit for your post, be sure to address two oversupply specialties and one undersupply specialty, in detail.

Use APA format and Make sure to include the source citations and references.

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92385769
  • Price:- $20

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