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Modify the Week Two JavaTM application to meet these additional and changed business requirements:

  • The company has recently changed its total annual compensation policy to improve sales.
  • A salesperson will continue to earn a fixed salary of $50,000. The current sales target for every salesperson is $120,000.
  • The sales incentive will only start when 80% of the sales target is met. The current commission is 15% of total sales.
  • If a salesperson exceeds the sales target, the commission will increase based on an acceleration factor. The acceleration factor is 1.25. That is,
  • At 80% of $120,000 (target), a sales person earns no commission - just the base salary of $50,000
  • Between 80% and $120,000 (target), a sales person earns 15% commission on top of base salary of $50,000
  • At $120,000 (target) and over, the sales person earns 15% x 1.25 commission on top of base salary of $50,000
  • The application should ask the user to enter annual sales, and it should display the total annual compensation.
  • The application should also display a table of potential total annual compensation that the salesperson could have earned, in $5000 increments above the salesperson's annual sales, until it reaches 50% above the salesperson's annual sales.Sample Table: Assuming a total annual sales of $100,000, the table would look like this:

Total Sales Total Compensation

100,000 <>

105,000 <>

110,000 <>

115,000 <>

120,000 <>

125,000 <>

130,000 <>

135,000 <>

140,000 <>

145,000 <>

150,000 <>

The JavaTM application should also meet these technical requirements:

  • The application should have at least two classes like in the first assignment.
  • The source code must demonstrate the use of conditional and looping structures.
  • There should be proper documentation in the source code.

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92393588
  • Price:- $30

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