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Making Decisions

Assume that the following variables contain the values shown:

numberBig = 300              numberMedium = 100        numberSmall = 5

wordBig = "Elephant" wordMedium = "Horse"      wordSmall = "Bug"

For each of the following Boolean expressions, decide whether the statement is truefalse, or illegal.

a. numberBig = numberSmall

[Insert the answer here]

b. numberBig > numberSmall

[Insert the answer here]

c. numberMedium < numberSmall

[Insert the answer here]

d. numberBig = wordBig

[Insert the answer here]

e. numberBig = "Big"

[Insert the answer here]

f.  wordMedium = "Medium"

[Insert the answer here]

g. wordBig = "Elephant"

[Insert the answer here]

h. numberMedium <= numberBig / 3

[Insert the answer here]

i.  numberBig >= 200

[Insert the answer here]

j.  numberBig >= numberMedium + numberSmall

[Insert the answer here]

k. numberBig > numberMedium AND numberBig < numberSmall

[Insert the answer here]

l.  numberBig = 100 OR numberBig > numberSmall

[Insert the answer here]

m. numberBig < 10 OR numberSmall > 10

[Insert the answer here]

n. numberBig = 30 AND numberMedium = 100 OR numberSmall = 100

[Insert the answer here]

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92393640
  • Price:- $10

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