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Locate a comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) using a city's Web site, or one from the "Project Pages/Statement 34" link of the GASB's

Using the chosen CAFR, go to the required supplementary information (RSI) section, immediately following the notes to the financial statements, and locate the budgetary comparison schedule (note: this schedule may be titled schedule of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-budget and actual) for the General Fund and major special revenue funds. If this schedule is not included in the RSI, then the city you have selected is one that elects to prepare an audited statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-budget and actual as part of the basic financial statements. Also, locate the GAAP operating statement for governmental funds called the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-governmental funds in the basic statements (note: this statement does not contain any budgetary information). Examine the schedule and/or statements, as the case may be, and prepare a brief report that responds to the following question

a. Are revenues and/or expenditures presented in greater detail in the budgetary comparison schedule (or statement) than in the GAAP operating statement? If so, why, in your judgment, is this the case?

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M92556591
  • Price:- $10

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