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1) How can the field of OB contribute to the effective functioning of organizations and the well being of the individual?

2) How are leadership theory and styles related to employee motivation? describe with suitable exs.

3) Discuss in detail the contribution of Taylor to the development of Management thought.

4) Do you think when managers make decisions they follow the decision making steps as has been conceptualized in the rational decision making model? Which steps are likely to be overlooked or given inadequate attention? What can be the possible consequences of overlooking any of the steps?

5) “Participation is an excellent method for identifying differences and resolving conflicts”. Do you agree or disagree. Discuss with suitable exs.

6) Why does communication break down? How can communication be improved?  

7) What is departmentalization? Why is it required? Discuss any one form of departmentalization.

8) What do you understand by authority and power? How are they different from each other? 


1) What strategic role can information technology play in business process reengineering and total quality management?

2) What are various approaches of MIS development in the Organization? describe any two approaches in detail.

3) What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business applications today? Why is the Object-oriented database model gaining acceptance for developing applications and managing the hypermedia databases at business websites?

4) What are the business benefit and management problems of client/server networks? Discuss also in Network Computing and Peer-to-peer networks?

5) How can information systems support a company’s business operations, discuss making by their managers, and give them a competitive advantage? Give exs to illustrate your answer?

6) What is meant by Network topology along with different network models?

7) Why there is a trend toward cross-functional integrated enterprise systems in business?

8) How do you think sales force automation affects salesperson productivity, marketing management and competitive advantage?


1) Distinguish between the following:

a) Industry demand and Firm (Company) demand, b) Short-run demand and Long run demand, and c) Durable goods’ demand and Non-durable goods demand.

2) What are the problems faced in determining the demand for a durable good? Illustrate with ex of demand for households refrigerator or television set.

3) Analyze the method by which a firm can allocate the given advertising budget between different media of advertisement.

4) What kind of relationship would you postulate between short-run and long-run average cost curves when these are not U-shaped as suggested by the modern theories?

5) How do demand forecasting methods for new products vary from those for established products?

6) What are the different methods of measuring national income? Which methods have been followed in India?

7) What do you understand by the investment multiplier? In what way does it defend the policy of public works on the part of the state during business depression?

8) Discuss the various phases of business cycle: 

a) Are cyclical fluctuations necessary for economic growth?

b) Suggest appropriate fiscal and monetary policies for depression.

Managerial Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Managerial Economics
  • Reference No.:- M925

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