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Listed below are seven technical accounting terms introduced or emphasized in this chapter.

Job Order costing
Overhead application rate
Overapplied overhead
Activity-based costing
Cost driver
Cost of finished goods manufactured
Job cost sheet

Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe thses techinial terms. For each statment, indicate the term described, or amswer "None" if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms.

a. An activity base that can b etraced directly to units produced and can be used as a denominator in computing an overhead application rate.

b. The total of all direct lavor, direct materials and manufacturing overhead transferred from work in process to finished goods.

c. A means of assigning indirect product costs to work in process during the period.

d. A debit balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account at teh end of the period.

e. The type of cost accounting system likely to be used by a construction company.

f. The type of cost accounting method likely to be used for overhead costs.

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948688

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