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Discussion: "Short-Term Financing"

Please respond to the following:

• Imagine you are an entrepreneur with a new idea and would like to start a business with your idea, but lack capital. Go to the U.S. Small Business Administration's Website, and read about the Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) Program. Also, explore the Website for information regarding sources available for providing venture capital. Provide an overview (two to three paragraphs) of your start-up company. In the overview of your company, describe its products, historical financial performance, major capital investments in the last five years, past sources of financing, and plans for future expansion.

• Analyze two sources that might be available to provide venture capital for your start-up. Compare and contrast the major advantages and disadvantages of one over the other. Select the source that you believe is a better fit for your start-up and justify your selection.

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92415608
  • Price:- $30

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