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Forbes Magazine best describes the economic impact of import restrictions and limitations as "Sweeping bans on admission to the country from a number of nations risks undermining the globalization agenda that has helped pump valuations in a range of U.S.-listed stocks over the last few years, whilst the prospect of similar restrictions being applied to U.S. citizens could also hamper overseas trade initiatives," Remo Fritschi of ADS Securities told" This could potentially prevent top technologists and other professionals from entering and staying in the U.S.A. This ban may discourage people starting new businesses and prosper in the United States from emigrating. Promising researchers, engineers, academics and other professionals will stay from the U.S if they know they are not welcome. This could possibly be explained as if restricting the flow of intellectual capital is another form of a trade war. Consider the trade policy, while corporations and wealthy investors are relishing the idea of lower tax rates if accompanied by trade and talent roadblocks, that optimism could evaporate quickly.

Works Cited: Wasik, J. (2017, February 01). Here's How Trump Muslim Ban Will Slam U.S. Economy.

Macroeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Macroeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92372724
  • Price:- $25

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