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Presented below are a number of facts related to Weller, Inc. Assume that no mention of these facts was made in the financial statements and the related notes.

Assume that you are the auditor of Weller, Inc. and that you have been asked to describe the appropriate accounting and related disclosure necessary for each of these items.

(a) The company decided that, for the sake of conciseness, only net income should be reported on the income statement. Details as to revenues, cost of goods sold, and expenses were omitted.

(b) Equipment purchases of $170,000 were partly financed during the year through the issuance of a $110,000 notes payable. The company offset the equipment against the notes payable and reported plant assets at $60,000.

(c) Weller has reported its ending inventory at $2,100,000 in the financial statements. No other information related to inventories is presented in the financial statements and related notes.

(d) The company changed its method of valuing inventories from weighted-average to FIFO. No mention of this change was made in the financial statements.

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948974
  • Price:- $24

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