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This week's discussion board allows you to explore the concept of Equity in Financial Compensation.

The text discusses four types of equity in compensation: 1) external, 2) internal, 3) employee, and 4) team equity.

Review the definitions in your textbook and decide which one you think is most important.


Title your post with which type of equity you will be discussing: external equity, internal equity, employee equity, or team equity

• In your own words, define what this type of equity means.

• Tell why you think this type of equity is important in the workplace.

• Describe an example of when inequality in this type of equity caused a problem. This may be from your own experience, or you may cite an outside source for this example.

Microeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Microeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92373835
  • Price:- $25

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