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Assignment Briefing

Basic Information

5 graphs
Real GDP (GDP Constant Prices)
Real GDP growth rate (GDP Annual Growth Rate)
Real GDP per capita (GDP per Capita)
Unemployment Rate
Inflation Rate

Introduction (~200 words)

• Overview of chosen country of analysis
• Identify chosen country's main industries i.e. tourism, manufacturing, services
• What are the country's natural resources and how are they being used?
• Why did the country choose to focus on these key industries?

Production output performance analysis (~700 words)

• Define and explain how each indicator measures performance of the economy
• Real GDP
• Real GDP growth rate
• Real GDP per capita
• Describe trends and explain them
• What caused the drastic increase/decrease in GDP?
• Research and explain Government's measures adopted to achieve production output performance
• Review Topic 3 - How does a country expand its PPF
• What policies were put in place by your chosen country's government to achieve economic growth

Labour market analysis (together with Price Level Analysis ~900 words)

• Describe unemployment trends based on unemployment rates
• Define unemployment and describe the typical types of unemployment in an economy
• Research and identify the types of unemployment in the chosen economy
• Research and explain government measures adopted to achieve full employment

Price level Analysis (together with Labour Market Analysis ~900 words)

• Describe the inflation trend based on inflation rate
• Define inflation and describe the typical causes of inflation
• Research and identify the cause(s) of inflation in the chosen economy
• Research and explain the government measures to achieve stable price

Conclusion (~200 words)

• Key highlights of discussion
• Were there any major points on the 5 graphs that were affected by any economic event in the country?
• There should not be any suggestions on what the government should do but what they have done in order to fight against inflation and unemployment and also, what they did/are doing to achieve economic growth.

Additional Information

• Word Count: 2000 words +/- 10%
• Similarity Report

• Referencing
• APA 6th Edition
• 10 References (At least 5 Journal Articles)

Information Database

• Proquest (Journal Articles)
• Newslink (Mainly Singapore news in the past two years)
• Google Scholar
• Official News Website i.e. CNN, BBC, The Straits Times.

Macroeconomics, Economics

  • Category:- Macroeconomics
  • Reference No.:- M92386684

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