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Andrew, Brian, Colin, Diana and Elizabeth were the directors of the Gemsales Pty Ltd, a company engaged in the business of importing and supplying jewellery as wholesalers to local market.

The company decided that as the market was becoming more competitive it required expanding its business as it felt with raised volumes of sales it would be capable to lower its prices and be more competitive. In order to do so it received a $4 million dollar loan from the Friendly Bank Ltd. $3 million was employed to buy more stock and $1 million was employed to buy a large new warehouse and showrooms from Traders Pty Ltd.

Colin was not at the meeting that had made such decisions as he was in hospital recovering from a serious accident. Elizabeth, as was her usual custom, had not attended the meeting however signed the necessary documentation agreeing to the expansion of the business and the getting of the loan. Diana, who attended, said she did not know if she agreed and refrained from voting. Andrew and Brian both voted to go further on with the expansion and getting of the loan.

At about this time Brian has established contact with Victor, who was setting up a new business as a retailer of jewellery. Victor was looking for consistent suppliers, however said he would not deal with Gemsales Pty Ltd as he did not like Andrew, the Managing Director. Not wishing to miss out on such a lucrative business opportunity, Brian arranged to set-up his own business as a jewellery wholesaler and a contract was entered into between Victor and Brian for the supply of jewellery.

After six months, Brian resigned as a director. At the same time it was obvious the company had over-extended itself and was insolvent and could not pay the interest on its loans.

This as well became clear that Brian was a main shareholder in Traders Pty Ltd and the other directors were oblivious of this at the time of the purchase of the warehouse and showrooms. Moreover, Brian had been approaching other established customers of Gemsales Pty Ltd and had secured orders for his own business.

Advise as to the liability of ALL parties both beneath common law and the Corporations Law. In your answer you must address all the issues associating to each of the directors and their responsibilities to the corporation.


References should be cited in Harvard referencing style (ex: Smith 1992). The assignment should comprise a bibliography (list of references employed in the assignment). The Internet might be used for authoritative reference material provided the source, author, date of access, and site address is obviously shown in footnote format.

Additionally to sources from the Internet, at least three hard-copy sources should as well be used. Such can be either books or articles or both.  Materials from any common law jurisdiction might be employed.

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M9139

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