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The Dempere Imports Company's EPS in 2011 was $3.00, and in 2006 it was $1.80. The company's payout ratio is 30%, and the stock is currently valued at $41.50. Flotation costs for new equity will be 7%. Net income in 2012 is expected to be $15 million. The market-value weights of the firm's debt and equity are 40% and 60%, respectively.

a) Based on the five-year track record, what is Dempere's EPS growth rate? What will the dividend be in 2012?

b) find out the firm's cost of retained earnings and the cost of new common equity.

c) Caclulate the break-point associated with retained earnings.

d) If Dempere's after-tax cost of debt is 6%, what is the WACC with retained earnings? With new common equity?

Accounting Basics, Accounting

  • Category:- Accounting Basics
  • Reference No.:- M948613

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