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4-5 pages (excluding references and cover page

In addition to the e-Business Plan template under the Search Engine Optimization Plan section heading, add a Search Engine Optimization Plan of 4-5 pages that includes the following for the case study organization:

  • Create a sitemap (HTML or XML) of the internal architecture for the proposed Web site (created in Week 3).
  • Describe the meta tags for the proposed Web site.
  • Describe the body tags for the proposed Web site.
  • Describe the key words for the proposed Web site (based on analytics from Week 3, if possible).
  • Provide list of 10 competitors' meta key word tags.
  • Create a Web site goal statement (unique selling proposition [USP]) including key words.
  • Create title and description tags for your proposed Web site.
  • Use a free key word ranking tool to track your key words and provide results.

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92393652
  • Price:- $25

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