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1. Joe needs 1600 calories a day and 150 gms of protein to survive. He can get it from y or x. Y has 320 calories per serve and 50 gms of protein. X has 200 calories per serving and 15 gms of protein. Joe can consume them in any combination. Show his consumption set over y and X.

2. Teds income is 160 and he spends on two goods. Price of y is 10 and orice of x is 10 upto 8 units. If he buys more than 8 units, then additional units are priced at 20. Describe her budget constraint and Show it diagrammatically.

3. Trisha has 14 hours to spend on leisure (X) or work. If she works she makes 60 per hour. If she makes upto 480 her tax is 12.5% of her income, but if she makes more than 480 her tax rate is 25%. She spends her income after tax on all other goods (Y).

a. Describe her budget constraint and show is a diagram.

Business Economics, Economics

  • Category:- Business Economics
  • Reference No.:- M92385857
  • Price:- $15

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