STAAD Pro is a structural analysis and design computer software developed by Bentley Systems. It is one of the advanced tools used by the Civil Engineers. It is purely used for Analyzing the structure and Sometimes for Design also. STAAD.Pro helps structural engineers automate their tasks by removing the tedious and long procedures of the manual methods. the name itself defines that
- St-structural
- A-analysis
- A-and
- D-design
- Pro-programming
STAAD Pro Training can effectively help in shaping the career of the Civil Engineering students as the training program will make them technically more confident and secure.
It has applications primarily in the building and Real-estate industry- like commercial buildings, bridges and highway structures, industrial structures, chemical plant structures, dams, Turbine foundations, culverts, other embedded structures etc.
In we will design RCC, Steel as well ,it is not meant for only buildings ,so we can analyze and design separately water tanks and staircases, retaining walls ,steel towers etc. It supports several steel, concrete and timber design codes. STAAD.Pro training includes all the steps necessary in structural analysis and design of concrete and steel. It is one of the important structural analysis and design software that supports Indian and all international codes. Easy model generation, analysis and design make the Staad.Pro, a professionals first choice. It has evolved over 20 years and meets the requirements of ISO 9001 certification. Use of STAAD Pro give a knowledge of everything.
For example an analysis and design of a 3 story building
The best time for undergoing training program in STAAD. PRO is during the summer or winter vacation breaks. A detailed training program is necessary to develop skill in this software. But finding an experienced trainer is a difficult task. The reason is most of the well-skilled STAAD. PRO Professionals are working in Civil Engineering firms and Real-Estate Industries. But there are also some experts who can help students with their experience.
Outcomes in STAAD Pro :
- know how to complete object-oriented intuitive 2D/3D graphic model generation.
- know how to carry out flexible zoom and multiple views
- know how to have isometric and perspective views and 3D shapes
- You will know how to use built-in command file editor and simple command language
- You will know how to take presentation quality printer plots of geometry and results as part of run output
- You will know how to perform accurate and numerically efficient plate/shell element incorporating out-of-plane shear and in-plane rotation; automatic element mesh generation; comprehensive element stress output including in-plane stresses, out-of-plane shear, bending and principal stresses at nodal as well as user specified points
- learn how to achieve user-specified design parameters to customize design
- know how to perform code check, member selection and optimized member selection consisting of analysis/design cycles.
- You will know how to design concrete beams/columns/slabs/footings as per all major international codes
Some of the features that we focus in training include:
- Model Generation
- Model Verification
- Static Analysis
- Dynamic/Seismic Analysis
- Secondary Analysis
We at mywordsolution offer STAAD Pro Assignment help, homework help, solutions to STAAD Pro assessments, problems solutions, STAAD Pro custom writings services, thesis, dissertation, term papers, live civil engineering expert's assistance in various problems solutions in STAAD Pro course.
STAAD Pro Course Contents :
Introduction of Staad.Pro, Starting Staad.Pro, Creating New file, Opening Existing File, Closing a file, Saving & Saving As, Module Review, Salient Features, Hardware Requirements, Staad.Pro Screen information, Overview of Structural Analysis and Design, Types of Structures, Idealization of Structures, Various Unit Systems, Coordinate Systems, Global Coordinate System, Local Coordinate System, Staad Commands and Input Instructions, Command Formats, Free Formatting Input, Commenting Input, and Problem Initiation and Title
What are Nodes, Beams, and Plates, How things are done in the Input File, Geometry Creation Methods, Using Structure Wizard, Things you can do in Structure Wizard, Drafting the Geometry using a Snap / Grid, Viewing, Selecting, Using Selecting While viewing 3D Geometry, Joint Coordinate Specification, Graphical User Interface, and Graphical User Interface
Translation Repeat, Circular Repeat, Insert Node, Add Beams between midpoints, Add beams by perpendicular intersection, Connect beams along an Axis, Cut Section, Undo / Redo and Dimensioning
Material Specification, Material Constants, Constant Specifications, Member Property Specifications, Prismatic Property Specifications, Tapered Member Specifications, Specifying Properties from Steel Table, User Table Specifications, Member Orientation Specifications, and Beta Angle
Inactive / Delete Specifications, Listing of Members / Joints by Specifications of Groups, Member Offset, Member Release Specifications, Member Truss Specifications, Member Tension / Member Compression Specifications, Global Support Specifications, Fixed / Pinned / Fixed but Release / Spring Supports,. Inclined Supports, Curved Member Specifications, and Member Cable
Loading Specifications, Self weight Loading Specifications, Member Load Specifications, Area Load / Floor Load Specifications, Area Load, Floor Load, and Load Combination Specifications
Analysis Specifications, Print Specifications, Pre Analysis Print Commands, Post Analysis Print Commands, Load List Specifications, Report Generation, and Output file
Introduction, First Steps, Node Displacement, Node Reactions, Beam forces, Beam Stresses, Beam Graphs, Plate Contour, Plate Results Along line, Animation, and Reports
Concrete Design As per IS 456, Design Parameters, Design of Beams, Design for Flexure, Design for Shear, Design of Columns, Concrete Design Specifications, Concrete Design Parameter Specification, Concrete Design Command, Interactive Design, Beam Brief, and Column Brief
Steel Design As per IS 800, Allowable Stresses, Axial Stresses, Bending Stresses, Shear Stress, Combined Stress, Parameter Specifications, Code Checking Specifications, Member Selection Specifications, Tabulated Results Of Steel Design, and Interactive Designs
Introduction to Seismic analysis, Earthquake loading in high rise buildings, Implementation of various load combinations of Earthquake analysis using IS 1893, and Analysis and Design of building considering Earthquake loading
Introduction to Wind load analysis, Calculation of wind forces in High rise building, and Analysis and Design of building for Wind loading
Finally if you need to analyze the structure without using lengthy methods mentioned in your Structure textbook. Stadd Pro is your weapon. - STAAD Pro Assignment Help, STAAD Pro Homework Help, STAAD Pro Assignment Tutors, STAAD Pro Solutions, STAAD Pro Answers, Civil Engineering Assignment Tutors