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Influence of Education in Early Childhood

Influence of Education in Early Childhood

Comprehensive objective of the early childhood education is considered to be based on the ideology of development of environment, where optimal physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the child can be achieved at a critical stage of childhood. Certain evidences related to the examination of early childhood education programs suggests that its being the cost-effective strategy to help the children in enhancing their individual learning capacity and preventing the delays or restrictions in gaining education because of the poverty or unfavorable socio-economic situations. However, overall effectiveness of the early childhood education efforts seems to be dependent on the willingness and active participation of the parents and incorporation of the recruitment and retaining activities for well trained and motivated educational staff.  In order to ascertain the basic philosophical imperatives and the moral and ethical aspects of the early childhood education (ECE) imperatives, a brief analysis of its significant benefits and influences on societal concerns can be made.


Philosophical Imperatives of the Early Childhood Education

A basic philosophical approach behind the design of early childhood education programs can be considered to be comprised of intents related to facilitation of equitable opportunities to the children to develop their physical, social, emotional and intellectual abilities. All such efforts are applied to create an environment where child can identify its own style or rate of learning and can develop self-confidence and ability to explore, discover, adapt and organize its experiences to enhance its overall understanding about the situations and scenarios. Early childhood education programs helps in development of positive self image and discipline in the children, which plays critical role in enhancing the fairness, consistency and respect for self, and thus seems significant in effective learning and improvised mental health. It is considered that investment made in education at early childhood stage helps in making children socially, emotionally and intellectually strong, which becomes hard to achieve in later days, even after outlay of heavy resources.

As a specific amount of the overall population incorporates unprivileged or underprivileged families, who cannot afford the high cost of quality educational services, thus in order to mitigate discrimination in opportunities of gaining education, the role of early childhood education program seems to be an ethically justified and socially beneficial attempt. It helps in development of a sense of equality and understanding about different forms of social, emotional and intellectual implications and their significance in social life. It develops moral and socially responsible instincts in children and their parents through incorporation of respect towards parent-child relationship. Early childhood education facilitates development of relative understanding and learning capabilities which will help in grasping the knowledge and learning provided in later stage of the educational system, such as pre-school, primary and secondary school stage. It seems to be ethically and morally justified to prepare the children through early childhood education program, to cope with the future challenges and make himself/herself ready to learn and execute intellectual gains.

Influence of Early Childhood Education over Societal Concerns

Such strategic decision and its appropriate execution help in eradication of disparity in the young age population, on ground of educational attributes and knowledge level. It facilitates equal facilities to the individual child to utilize opportunities in strengthening it understanding and intellectual skills, which will help him in coping with the new challenges and easy adoption of the new learning attributes. Through facilitation of early childhood education programs the current generation can be strengthen to meet the future obligation of rational citizen. Early childhood education efforts helps in enhancing the respect towards social values and effective contribution of individuals in social welfare efforts, as educated population appears to be more productive than that of uneducated or less educated population. Thus it can be said the early childhood education not only helps in improvising the personal life of the individual but also strengthens the base of efficient and ethically or morally responsible societal system. 

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