iPads in Education - Tool or Toy
iPads in education is definitely a tool for this field as they being part of technology, deals with the application of knowledge for practical ends. iPads are concerned with bringing improvement in teaching- learning process. It is an applied or practical study which aims at maximizing educational effects by controlling such relevant factors as educational purposes, educational content, educational environment, teaching materials, conduct of students, behavior of teachers and interrelation between students and teachers. It is a branch of technology in which the results of engineering techniques, information science, natural sciences, behavioral sciences and human technology are to be used to promote the efficiency of education. Its scope encompasses educational objectives, media and their characteristics for the selection of media and resources, management of resources as well as their evaluation.

While keeping in view the concept of using iPads in education it can be stated that there is a wide scope of using iPads in education as it help in the analysis of teaching and learning by covering different aspects of teaching and learning such as concept of teaching, variables of teaching, analysis of teaching process, levels of teaching, phases of teaching, theories of teaching, concept of learning, relevance of theories of learning, relationship between teaching and learning, and making teaching- learning process more effective. iPads identify educational objectives in terms of behavioral specifications. It analyses broad educational objectives in terms of specific class- room objectives of teaching and learning. Development of the curriculum is another important use of iPads.
They help in designing a suitable curriculum for the achievement of educational objectives. This field of technology also deals with the development of teaching- learning material in accordance with desired objectives, designed curriculum and available resources. It consists of techniques of developing instructional materials like programmed learning material, computer- assisted learning material, mass media instruction material, individualized system of instruction and other instruction strategies. The iPad technology takes special care of the preparation of teachers for performing their duties. For achieving this purpose they cover the topics like models of teaching, team teaching, simulated teaching, micro- teaching, teacher effectiveness, modification of teacher behavior through class- room interaction and interaction analysis.
A strategy plays an important role in the hands of a teacher in every teaching- learning situation. iPad technology evolves different teaching- learning strategies. It studies the ways and means of selecting suitable strategies of teaching in terms of maximum learning and available teaching resources. Development, selection and use of the appropriate audio- visual aids is another important usage of iPad technology. Computer- assisted instructions help the learner as well as the teacher to achieve conveniently the goals of education. It works for the effective utilization of sub- system of education. The technology of iPads develops suitable tools for continuous and improved evaluation of the process and products of teaching- learning activities. Such an evaluation provides a proper feedback to the teachers and learners for making improvement in their specific acts. The mass education has reduced the standard of education. The use of iPads helps in maintaining and improving the standard by the use of teaching aids and programmed instruction. This technology can also be used to solve educational administrative problems scientifically with the help of system analysis.
Through effective management techniques and system approach to education, iPads have improved the techniques of supervision. iPad technology helps us in making efforts for equalizing educational opportunities and in individualizing instruction, through self- instruction programmes. This technology provides scientific foundation to education develops theories of teaching and instruction and helps in using programs by a large population of students. This technology helps learners to keep themselves abreast of the latest development through television lessons, self- instructional programmed material sent to the learners or to in- service personnel through open schools and open universities.
Thus we find that the scope of iPads is very wide in the field of education. It is concerned with all the models, variables, phases, levels, and dimensions or aspects of teaching- learning process. It teaches
(i) the teachers the art of teaching,
(ii) the learners the science of learning,
(iii) the educational planners the structure of planning, and
(iv) the managers or administrators the skill of managing or administering the task of teaching and learning.
This technology is concerned with individualization of instructions as well as for improving the group dynamics of the class- room. iPad can be an excellent teacher. It can impart knowledge, without losing temper and getting impatient. It is enjoyable and can have audio- visual facilities. Therefore, we can say that iPads are great tools in education.