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How to Ace your Finals without Studying

Being a student whether a college going one or the ones going school or a simple learner, giving exams are the crucial part as that's the only way one can see if he or she is really been studying or not.

And then comes the part where some students are great at studying and some are not really good at learning those long paragraphs, tedious chemical equations or confusing math formula. And many times such students don't really care about any of them until unless they have to appear for exams. One may start mugging up just a few days before exams without any proper way of studying or keeping in mind what really they are studying. And that obviously create confusions and students start to panic.




This article is basically for the few ways you can try instead of getting nervous and tensed for you exams. I have here refined some of my tried ways and surveying different articles to bring out some of the tips and tricks to help you out studying for the finals without really studying. Or I should say without mugging up things like an idiot and getting you nowhere. So, here we start.

1. Summarising what you're going to study.

Okay, what I think one should know what he or she is going to study. Obvious right? But so many students don't really think about it.  For example, if they have 5 subjects and exams are near they'll think of studying every subject every time, but they only think! They confuse and get nervous. But here's a tip! Being anxious about each subject will not help.
Study your date sheet. Summarize each subjects, write down each subject on individual sheets. Write down the chapters and topics they have respectively.

See for stuffs you already understand and after that the portion you have to study. (This will make you feel confident and a bit intelligent trust me).
After you've chosen the one subject you will be starting with. Split more heading by headings and topic by topic. You'll understand that by splitting you can easily go through things instead of randomly starting from any big paragraph.

Make up the mind and study for the parts you have to study and revise the portion you already understand whether it is just a single topic.

2. Make notes.
Yes, make notes of the topic you've picked. Start reading the topic and write down the important point (only important). Don't just copy things instead read it understand it and then write down in whichever way you feel comfortable. No one's going to check it and that is just for you. As soon as you will start making points, you'll realize everything is getting simpler to understand.

3. Use metaphors and images (diagrams)

No. don't jump in your English literature books. Here I meant just in case you are not getting what's there in the book, there's no need to learn it in that way only. Instead make your own illustrations and images which help you in understanding the certain part.
Apart from that you can imagine some diagrams or images when you're learning something. For example, if we talk about an apple, you'll see an apple in your mind, helping you in understanding and recognizing APPLE. Same ways while studying and making notes try connecting words to certain things. Some images, diagrams, song or anything that suits you.

In my case when I used to learn ray diagrams in science I used to imagine that first. Or talking about my biology topics I used to go through the diagrams and reading the working from mouth to the excretory organ. Reading along with the diagram actually helped me. Instead of just gulping up things make things more logical a practical.

4. Learn in sessions.

Once my chemistry teacher said learning should be about quality not quantity. And though I didn't personally like her but these words were true gems! I mean yes what is the use of studying for 6 hours straight and still not being able to write anything worthy in tests?

See if we think logically there are many reason to choose quality learning instead of quantity learning. Firstly, for the sake of your brain! Don't punish it, don't throw everything at once to that guy. I mean how you would feel if you'll be forced to eat the whole day's meal at once. That's how brain feels. Instead of learning straight for long hours learn in sessions. Make sets like study for 30 minutes take a break for 5 minutes and then again for 30 minutes and then a break. You can sit according to the sets in a day for 4-6 times. But you'll have to give that 30minutes all your focus and attention or it is of no use. Remember quality over quantity. You can further divide them according to your need or schedule. It will surely help you lessen the burden. It will be much easy for you and your brain to grasp whatever you are learning.


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5. No need to give up sleep.

There's nothing much to talk about it here but still as a friendly reminder don't give up your sleep or food!  Who'll appear in your exams if you'll be ill? Logic right?
Take enough rest and eat properly. Take beverages while you are studying. Healthy food only makes you better at what you are doing. So, don't skip meal. A Proper sleep will help your brain attaining more and performing better. A happy brain and body results in positivity. Which will reflect in your answer sheets.

6. Consistency and Belief.

I am literally no one to make you do everything I said above. But the fact is even if Albert Einstein will say all those to you it'll not help you until you're going to do all this by yourself. You have to be consistent, you should know what and why you are doing. You yourself have to create interest.

Make things simpler but not worthless. Start studying with proper planning and a positive attitude. With all these points you will get help while starting with your studies. Whatever you have planned just stick to it and do again and again.

With all these point you'll not feel any pressure, obviously you'll have to study a bit with these small tips and following them regularly will save you from that sudden breakdown at the end. A bit of consistency will surely help.


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